Body Image Affects a Woman's Everyday Life - Totally Bri LLC

Body Image Affects a Woman's Everyday Life


I once overheard a woman ask her friend, "What if I'm just not meant to be thin?" Her friend's answer was simple: "I think you're meant to be whatever body you have." That's the philosophy that drives our company. We started Totally Bri*** because we believe it's possible for everyone to feel good about their bodies, no matter what shape or size those bodies are.

We think that women are brilliant, beautiful and powerful, and we want to help other women celebrate how amazing they are.

As a society, we need to stop objectifying women's bodies. We think that women are brilliant, beautiful and powerful, and we want to help other women celebrate how amazing they are.

We believe that the way women feel about their bodies can shape the way their lives play out.

You’ve probably heard the saying, “Confidence is key.” But what does that mean? Confidence is like a superpower; without it, you might as well be flying around in a cape made of paper plates. It gives us the courage to say yes when we really want to say no and makes us feel bold enough to try something new or make an attempt at anything.

But confidence isn't just about being able to do things—it's also about feeling good about yourself. When you feel good about who you are and what you look like, life becomes much easier: You're more likely to take risks and less likely to give up when faced with failure; people will be drawn toward your positive energy rather than repelled by your lack of confidence (or weird smell); and everyone wins!

Our company was formed on the idea of changing the way women feel about themselves as they look in the mirror.

We started Totally Bri on the idea of changing the way women feel about themselves as they look in the mirror.

We want to help women feel good about themselves. We want to help them feel confident. We want to help them feel beautiful, powerful and like they can do anything they set their minds to.

Now, we're not saying that you can't achieve this goal with any other brand of makeup or foundation — but we do think that our products make it easier for you because:

  • They are matte, so there's no shine—and nothing is more flattering than a matte finish!

  • Our foundation is full coverage without being cakey or drying out your skin (or making you look older). 3) The color range is amazing so whether your skin tone is fair or wheaten freckled redhead — we've got something for everyone! 4) It comes in travel size too (you can buy on Amazon now!) 5) We offer free shipping worldwide 6). Our prices are reasonable 7). And last but not least 8). You'll love how easy it is apply

Giving our customers a boost in confidence is one of our highest goals.

You can't wait around for other people to give you that extra boost in confidence. No matter how much someone else may believe in you, if you don't believe in yourself first, nothing will happen.

So when it comes to getting what we want out of life, confidence is the most important thing we need. And while it may seem like this trait comes naturally to some people, there's no reason why anyone should feel any less confident than anyone else—it's just a skill that needs to be learned (and practiced).

We feel strongly that helping women find their beauty changes more than just their day-to-day lives.

When we started Totally Bri, it was because we saw a flaw in the way our society treats women. Too many of us are taught to hate ourselves and our bodies, or to see beauty as something we need to work for instead of something that comes from within.

We believe that this can be changed—that by helping women find their beauty, we can change more than just their day-to-day lives; we can change the world.

So if you're ready for a new outlook on life and yourself, join us! We'll give you all the tools and support you need to start feeling incredible about yourself today!

We have seen women struggle with feeling like they're not good enough--our goal is to change that.

At Totally Bri, we have seen women struggle with feeling like they're not good enough. You know the story: "I'm too fat." "I'm not pretty." "My thighs are too big." We know all of these things are lies that have been told to us by a society that makes us feel as though we must conform to an unrealistic standard of beauty, but sometimes it's hard to believe otherwise. We want everyone who comes through our doors to feel empowered and confident--and that starts with loving yourself for who you are.

We encourage all women (and men!) to embrace their bodies and see themselves as valuable, regardless of their size or shape. Our goal is to change the way people think about themselves, just like we did when we started this company!

Through our focus on body positivity, we hope to help more people develop a healthy relationship with their body and food in which they don't need to lose weight or eat only one kind of food to feel like themselves.

  • Because your body is yours and you should love it.

  • It’s not about losing weight. You can be happy and healthy at any size or weight!

  • Eat whatever you want! We believe that everyone deserves to have access to all foods that make them happy, without judgment or shame for enjoying the things that their bodies need to keep them going through life—no matter if it’s pizza, champagne or chocolate chip cookies (you know who you are).

Your body image isn't everything, but it's important and you should treat yourself with respect.

Your body image isn't everything, but it's important and you should treat yourself with respect.

Your body image is not a measure of your worth, or your success, or your health. But it does have an impact on all of those things—and on how you feel about yourself in general. We know that people with positive body images tend to be happier and healthier overall—and studies show that they're also less likely to develop eating disorders. A positive body image can help you reach your goals at home or at work because when you feel good about yourself, you tend to put more into what you're doing and find more fulfillment in life overall.

So yes: Your body image matters! But here's the thing: It's not everything.


You are beautiful and you should treat yourself with respect.

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